Coach's Corner and QBC Blog

The Importance of FAMILY in Our Program

Written by Coach Sam Bernardi | Nov 10, 2023 3:16:02 PM

This week's Blog is a change of pace with Varsity Defensive Coordinator, Coach Sam Bernardi reflecting on the importance of family, the bonds formed and sacrifices made by players..

When Coach Marshall asked us to do this, I said I would come up here and talk to you guys tonight and I sat here and I thought, what can I say, how should I approach this? Should I go all RAH-RAH like I normally do or should I look at something that's got a little bit of depth and meaning to it?

So I'm going the opposite way, I'm not going Rah on you, I'm going to try to give you something, a word that I think epitomizes what this program is all about.

So before we get into that word, I want you guys to think of these numbers: 4, 2, 1, & 1.  Okay, that is the amount of titles that this senior group has accomplished as members of this football team since they were freshmen. 

πŸ† 4- Sectionals 
πŸ† 2- Regionals
πŸ† 1- Semi-state
πŸ† 1- State Championship

And the beauty of that is we still get the opportunity to change that number or those numbers. We can add to those four numbers and we're still at a point where we are capable of doing that, so keep that in mind.

But what I want to talk about, more importantly, is family.

So I'm sitting there thinking, okay, how do we express family, how do I go about letting these guys know how important family is?

So I'm a big guy as it relates to acronyms. You can take a word, you can take the letters in the word, and it gives out a meaning. So you've heard, I'm sure you've all heard about the word TEAM, Together Everyone Achieves More.

So what I want you to take from family is this:

Forget About Me, I Love You

Forget about me, I love you.

Okay, that's what family stands for, that is what has made this program what it is today.

Family, people sacrificing for the good of themselves because they love others.

Alright, I know you've heard it before, but gentlemen (and ladies), this team, this program is your second family.

That's not a clichΓ©. The friendships that you have made because of this team will last forever.

Trust me, they will probably be the closest friendships you have in your life moving forward.

I have not played high school football for almost 40 years, I know... but I can tell you this: some of my closest friends were my teammates and they still are to this day, We still talk about this game or that game when we get together, 40 years removed.

Okay, yes you have a real family, a blood family, and they're all right there. (pointing at the Quarterback Club volunteers)

Think about the sacrifices they made for you guys to come here on every Thursday night and serve you food. To get you to where you needed to be so you could be the best that you can be.

Forget about me, I love you.

Thank you, moms and dads.

Now what does the Y mean in family?

You, that's your team. The you is your team.

Okay, so let's talk about some sacrifices individuals have made for this team.

Actually.... we're pulling this section out... we don't need our competitors gaining any knowledge here. Sorry, but we'll put it back in after the season is over!

Coach goes on to highlight some of the players who were hurt in games and came back in to help secure the win.

In each of the examples coach repeats: Forget about me, I love you!

Where's Thomas? Show your hand, right here. Thomas gets injured against Portage on Friday night, it's shaky if he's going to play the next game, right Thomas? But something clicked in Thomas that said, I got to forget about me, my team needs me, and he went out, got himself ready, and he performed the next game and performed admirably. Xander, where you at? What game did you hurt your knee? Michigan City. Michigan City, the guy is literally limping all week long in practice. I know as his coach he ain't playing Friday night, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He was out there because of you. Forget about me, Xander was like, I love you. Ty, when did you hurt your knee? What game this year or last year? Oh, Jesus, this year, huh? Point is.. he dislocates his knee, doesn't miss a play, probably should have, right Mike? Yeah, probably should have. His attitude, forget about me, I love you. Justin, where you at? All your ribs not good, right? More than likely what he's went through or is continuing to go through probably shouldn't be on the field. Uh-uh, forget about me, I love you. Sammy, where you at? First play of the Chesterton game, takes a hit, he's quiet, he's a one-legged man, we got to take him out, we're not sure he can go. We're down 14 to three and a half, he goes to Mike and says get me in the game. Forget about me, I love you. That's what he did. So, and I'm sure there's others in this room that I'm forgetting, okay, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.

Gentlemen, you have an opportunity here to add to the numbers 4-2-1-1

And it's only going to happen because of family.

Whatever role you have right now on this team for tomorrow, that's the role that you got to accept.

You might not be someone who gets to dress, but we need you to be our biggest cheerleaders.

You might be somebody who's dressing, where you know you're not playing, but we need you to keep us fired up and keep the emotion high.

It might be you're only a special teams player, that's your job, that's your role.

Forget About Me, I Love You.

You might be a second stringer who's one play away. Are you ready to go?

Coach O talked about it, okay. Are you going to, if you have to go, you're going to be ready to go and perform the way we need you to perform?

Okay, so keep family in mind, that is what has made us great, that is what will continue to make us great.

Forget about me, I love you.

Family on three. One, two, three...